Thursday, December 25, 2014

Google Now Provides Automatic Song Lyrics

Google Search song lyrics image
For years dedicated lyric sites have been both the bane and glory of music publishers. If the lyrics were unlicensed, then that was obviously taking money form the the artists that the publisher represented as well as the publisher itself. Of course, if the lyrics were licensed then that was another source of income. As a result, quite a few fully licensed lyric sites like LyricFind and Musixmatch began to dominate the space.

They may be in for a rough time though, now that Google is incorporating lyrics into the results of any search for a song, as you can see from the graphic on the left. The lyrics are now part of Google Play (as you can see here for the Foo Fighters song) and are in a large database that's totally licensed from the publishers. No, you don't need to be a Google Play subscriber to access them.

Many of the current lyric sites are crowd sourced, so you can never be sure if the lyrics are correct or not. With Google's licenses in place, this is no longer the case, plus the lyrics are now easily accessible via the link in the search results.

Why did Google do this, you might ask? For Google, the search experience itself is paramount. You can see this in its rankings, where a page with a good user experience consistently ranks higher one where info is difficult to find. It seems that Google is using the same criteria on itself as well.


Unknown said...

Are you sure that Google are not getting these results from lyric sites. Most snippets like this are sourced from other sources for example the bio's you see for individuals on the right hand side of Google are usually taken from the likes of Wikipedia.

Bobby Owsinski said...

If you follow the links they provide, you'll find they go to Google Play, Peter. Try the one in the post.

Unknown said...

Ahh ok fair enough, the lyrics do not show for me. I am in the UK so might be a licensing issue at present if they only have the US rights.


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